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Group Therapy

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All groups require confirmed particiaption to have a start date. A consultation is required before joining any group. Some groups may also require an intake and an individual counselor. All groups except IOS are free to regular clients, or $15 to community members. IOS is $35 per night + $15 drug screens. 

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Parenting Group



The group is led by counseling professionals who address issues such as:

Stress Management

Self Care and Coping Skills

Boundaries and Balances

Parenting Skills

Time Management

Positive Communication


How therapy can benefit your child


Meets biweekly:

In- Person Thursdays 6-7PM 


Virtually Saturdays 10-11AM

 Start Date TBD

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Thursdays at 6PM.​

Must have individual counselor and complete intake before joining. 

First Responders Support Group

This support group is free of charge to all first responders, veterans, and military personnel. 


The group is led by counseling professionals who guide participants in processing:

Occupation-specific risk factors

Trauma-related emotional survival

The symptoms and struggles of PTSD 

Depression and Substance Abuse

Stress and anger management

Self-care and healthy transitions



Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00 PM

Start Date TBD​

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Intensive Outpatient Services 

Group meetings are held four nights a week to address mental health, chemical dependency, and dual diagnosis challenges. This group includes men and women (ages 17 and older).


Provides tools & support in overcoming disordered thinking and behaviors


Comprehensive curriculum (12 or 24-week) addresses all facets of the recovery process


Includes individual counseling, accountability, and urinalysis outside of the 90-minute psychoeducation and group sessions



Meets every Monday - Thursday 5:30 - 7:30 PM

Start Date TBD.

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No groups will meet the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year's.

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